Pagely Alternative: The Benefits of Choosing Kinsta

Are you looking for a better alternative to Pagely for hosting your website? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Powered exclusively by the Google Cloud Platform, Kinsta offers a unique, innovative approach to managed WordPress hosting. Our platform is optimized for speed and scalability, delivering unmatched performance at competitive prices you won’t find anywhere else.


Acquired by GoDaddy in November 2021, Pagely is a managed WordPress hosting provider that’s been in business for a while now. However, it doesn’t make use of the same innovative, advanced technologies that we have here at Kinsta, nor does it provide the flexible features and control that we offer our customers.

While you may find Pagely’s services somewhat comparable with Kinsta’s, they come at very different price points. The high cost of Pagely’s plans is enough to turn many customers away, especially when you consider that Kinsta plans offer more value for your money, better support, and greater ease of use.

At Kinsta, we hear from customers every day who are looking for a better Pagely alternative. They want a reliable hosting service that’s able to provide advanced features and robust tools for WordPress users, without spending a fortune.

If this sounds like you, we have you covered. Below, we’ll explore what makes Kinsta so unique, and discuss the biggest advantages of using us as your managed WordPress host!

How Kinsta Compares to Pagely in a Nutshell

Before we get into the specifics of Kinsta vs Pagely, we want to break down some of the biggest differences between the two hosting providers. 

Kinsta is the highest-rated managed WordPress host on G2, the world’s leading software review and comparison site:

Enjoy a 20% Faster Website Simply by Moving From Pagely to Kinsta

We measured 3,200+ migrations over the course of a three-month span. On average, client sites experienced 20% faster load times just by moving to Kinsta.

How is this possible? Our customers enjoy:

  • The latest generation of virtual machines from Google’s Compute Engine general-purpose machine family C3D VMs and The fastest Compute-Optimized C2 VMs, available across all plans in supported regions.
  • A stack that’s been fine-tuned for WordPress over the past 8 years
  • Google’s Premium Tier Network to deliver website data faster
  • Free CDN powered by Cloudflare’s global network of 260+ locations
  • Built-in Edge Caching that cuts the time needed to serve cached WordPress HTML by an average of more than 50%!

Migrate from Pagely to Kinsta hassle free with our free expert migration service. With our 30-day money-back guarantee, you can test out the service and improved speeds completely risk-free. You only lose if you don’t give this a try!

Kinsta is also the first hosting provider to be powered exclusively by the Google Cloud Platform. Using Google’s global premium-tier network enables Kinsta to maximize speed and performance for every site. Pagely, on the other hand, uses Amazon Web Services’ cloud infrastructure. 

Let’s take a look at some of the key differences between Kinsta and Pagely:

  • Kinsta plans start at just $35 per month. The cheapest Pagely hosting plan starts at $199 per month. 
  • If you opt for annual billing, Kinsta offers two free months, whereas Pagely only offers one.
  • Kinsta offers plans and solutions for sites of all sizes and scales, from personal bloggers to Fortune 500 companies. Pagely is geared primarily towards large businesses and enterprise clients.
  • Kinsta is SOC2 compliant, which provides independent proof that we have established security procedures and adhered to those procedures over time. Pagely is not SOC2 compliant. See Kinsta’s Trust Report for additional information.
  • Kinsta has been the fastest WordPress host for five consecutive years (based on independent benchmarks).
  • Kinsta has 37 data centers across the globe, whereas Pagely has 14.
  • Kinsta offers a free Cloudflare integration, which includes an enterprise-level firewall with built-in DDoS protection.
  • Unlike Pagely, Kinsta gives customers the option of choosing which global data center location they’d like to use for each website, free of charge. Pagely data center regions are divided into two tiers. Tier 1 is only U.S.-based locations. Tier 2 also includes centers in Europe, Asia Pacific, Canada, and South America, but this requires an additional cost.
  • Kinsta performs weekly automatic MySQL database optimization on all of your sites to ensure better performance.
  • All Kinsta plans include a free premium DNS, free CDN, and (unlike Pagely) unlimited bandwidth.
  • With Pagely, the average time it takes to set up your server after you create an account is one day. Kinsta makes your plan available immediately after you sign up. 
  • Kinsta provides 24/7 premium chat support to all clients. Pagely only offers live chat support during business hours, and primarily uses a ticket system.
  • The support at Kinsta is always available: 365 days a year, 24/7. Pagely follows a ‘holiday schedule’. During certain days, its support team has limited availability, responding almost exclusively to ‘critical only’ system-level issues.
  • Kinsta monitors 24/7 the uptime of your WordPress sites
  • Kinsta works with Google Cloud’s premium global tier network, and all of our plans come with a Cloudflare firewall. Pagely runs on Amazon Web Services. While these cloud platforms are comparable in many ways, GCP is backed by the Google infrastructure and offers a handful of advantages, such as innovative container technology, cybersecurity measures, and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions.
  • Kinsta provides free website migrations for all plans and eliminates the concern of downtime. Pagely offers two free migrations with its plans, and the process can take up to five business days.
  • All Kinsta plans include a hack-fix guarantee. This means that if something were to happen to your site, we’d fix it for free.
  • All Kinsta plans come with a one-click staging environment and SSH access. Partial SSH access is only available on upper-tier Pagely plans.
  • Kinsta has one of the most popular and appreciated affiliate programs on the market.
  • Kinsta provides a custom-built, WordPress-specific MyKinsta dashboard. Pagely uses a dashboard called Atomic, but it lacks a lot of site management tools.
  • Kinsta provides a site-healing feature, and we monitor all websites 480 times per day.
  • We offer six types of backups: free automatic/daily, optional hourly, manual, system-generated, downloadable, and external backups sent automatically to your Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage.
  • Kinsta provides reverse proxy support on all plans.
  • Kinsta offers premium 24/7 multilingual support for all customers.
  • You get access to a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Kinsta is Built for Performance and Scalability

From day one, Kinsta was built with performance and scalability in mind. That means our platform is well-equipped to handle sudden spikes in traffic. You never have to worry about experiencing downtime or sharing resources on an overloaded server.

Kinsta doesn’t fall into traditional hosting categories, such as shared or VPS. Our unique infrastructure is built on the Google Cloud Platform, and we use LXD-managed hosts and orchestrated LXC software containers. Each site hosted on Kinsta has its own isolated container with all the resources it needs to run, including MySQL, Linux, Nginx, and PHP. 

As part of our Cloudflare integration, Edge Caching saves your Kinsta site/page cache to any of Cloudflare’s global network of 260+ data centers.

Edge Caching is included free with all Kinsta plans, doesn’t require a separate plugin, and cuts the time needed to serve cached WordPress HTML by an average of more than 50%!

At Kinsta, your MySQL databases are hosted at localhost for quicker loading times and faster queries. Our scalable cloud infrastructure also makes it easy to upgrade or downgrade your resources with ease.

With Pagely, private database instances such as MySQL and MariaDB are only available for an additional cost. Also, to ensure that sites are able to handle traffic surges, Pagely recommends that its users upgrade to one of its High Availability plans, which start at $1,249 per month.

Kinsta makes C2 and C3D machines available on every plan, not just the highest tiers. This means that, depending on the type of site you run, you could see a speed improvement between 20% and 200% simply by switching to Kinsta! 

Kinsta is the best WordPress host I’ve had so far. They are quick to help, easy to deal with, and really know their stuff. Plus their servers are super fast!

In terms of the basic features and functionality one might expect from a managed WordPress host, Pagely and Kinsta are comparable. However, as you can see in the below chart by SoftwareFindr, Kinsta outperforms Pagely in many key areas, including customer support, ease of use, and value for your money:

Bar chart showing Software Findr comparison of Pagely vs Kinsta, with Kinsta leading for VAlue for money, ease of use and customer support, and level for features and functionality
Software Findr comparison of Pagely vs Kinsta.

Uncover your WordPress Site’s Performance Bottlenecks.

Our experts will run a free performance audit of your website and send you a detailed action plan.

MyKinsta: A Dashboard That’s Better Than cPanel

At Kinsta, we aren’t unlike other web hosts. We know that our clients deserve the best control panel possible, which is why we built our own custom user portal from scratch. 

The MyKinsta dashboard is packed with features, easy to navigate, and designed specifically for WordPress site management:

The MyKinsta dashboard.

Some of the features that make our MyKinsta dashboard so powerful, which you won’t necessarily find with Pagely, include:

  • Quick phpMyAdmin access.
  • Premium Amazon Route 53 DNS included, for managing your DNS records directly within the dashboard.
  • One-click CDN integration.
  • A built-in Cloudflare integration with optimized settings to secure and boost the performance of your site without the need for a separate Cloudflare subscription.
  • Detailed insights and analytics, including performance analysis data, CDN usage and insights, bandwidth and visitor data, and cache HIT and MISS ratios.
  • Advanced multiuser feature
  • Search and replace tool for performing bulk updates.
  • One-click PHP version toggle, and the option to restart PHP if needed.
  • Website redirect management.
  • Option to purge the site cache within the dashboard.
  • Ability to create a staging environment in seconds with a single click. Pagely requires you to use its Git integration tool to manually deploy a testing environment, or use sync and clone advanced tools to make one-time copies of your production to staging. 
  • Option to restore backups to staging and push staging sites live.
  • Ability to add SSH keys to the dashboard to enhance login security.
  • Quick IP address blocking via an IP Deny tool.
  • New Relic integration (license required) for troubleshooting website performance.
  • Advanced WordPress debugging tool.
  • Simple password protection for your environment.
  • Free Cloudflare SSL certificates, and the ability to import your own.
  • Multilingual dashboard that’s available in 10 languages: English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Japanese, Swedish, Danish, and Dutch.
  • ionCube enabler.
  • Migrations section to check the status of your requested site transfers.

We care deeply about our clients’ feedback, and we’re constantly making improvements based on the requests we receive. We’re always looking for ways to make everyone’s lives easier and more productive!

Optimized for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads

If you’re an ecommerce business, your site has unique challenges that not every traditional web host is capable of meeting. At Kinsta, our platform is optimized for ecommerce sites.

We employ a variety of tools and technology that can help increase the speed of your WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads stores. Some of the ways we do this include:

  • Implementing rules to ensure proper WooCommerce and EDD functionality, and fast server-level page caching
  • Excluding certain pages that shouldn’t be cached by default, such as cart, ‘my account’, and checkout pages
  • Automatically bypassing the cache for users when “woocommerce_items_in_cart cookie” or “edd_items_in_cart” is detected, which ensures a smoother checkout process

Kinsta has allowed us to offer a bulletproof service to our top tier clients and keep them happy. Especially those who have traffic spikes with sudden server demand.

Kinsta delivers unmatched performance and speed. Each year, Review Signal publishes a review in which it conducts rigorous performance testing of the top hosts in the industry. For five consecutive years, Kinsta has scored “top tier” status.

While Pagely has not participated every year, there have been a few years where it has. Let’s take a look at the web performance test results of the most recent review where both Kinsta and Pagely participated, to see how they stack up.

Web Performance Benchmarks (Business Plans)

To run these web performance benchmark tests, Review Signal created identical WordPress dummy websites with the same plugins installed (save for any tools needed for each provider’s specific caching mechanisms). was used to test 11 different geographical locations to measure overall loading times (in seconds). Let’s take a look at the results:

Los Angeles0.9581.04
South Africa3.6475.583
São Paulo1.8511.943

As you can see, Kinsta surpassed Pagely in 7 out of 11 tests.

When it came to uptime monitoring testing, both Kinsta and Pagely achieved a perfect score with Uptime Robot:

Uptime Robot100%100%

The Load Storm tests scaled up the number of concurrent visitors over 30 minutes, peaking at 10 minutes:

Total Requests416,335392,898
Total Errors5441,952
Peak RPS324.57298.8
Average RPS231.3218.12
Peak Response Time (ms)15,05915,178
Average Response Time (ms)3171,593

Not only did Kinsta have significantly fewer errors, but we also had a faster average  response time than Pagely.

Screenshots showing developer friendly MyKinsta features

Kinsta is Developer-Friendly

Kinsta understands how important it is to have developer-friendly tools and features. In fact, many of our team members are developers, which is why we built our products and our MyKinsta dashboard with that type of user in mind.

We offer features and accessibility to enhance efficiency and streamline your workflow. Some of the ways we do this include: 

  • Unrestricted access to your site’s critical files, with SFTP and PHPMyAdmin access. 
  • Git, WP-CLI, and SSH access included with all plans. Pagely provides partial SSH access, and Git and WP-CLI access on upper-tier plans only.
  • One-click staging environments on all plans. At Kinsta, we also let users turn on caching in their staging environments. Pagely limits its staging environments. You would need to download its Pagely Sync Tool (to create a one-time copy or one-off test) or the Git Integration Tool.
  • Kinsta has five types of backups: free automatic/daily, optional hourly, manual, system generated, and downloadable. Pagely offers automated daily backups stored with Amazon S3 that includes a 14-day retention policy. For Kinsta Business and Enterprise plans, we offer 20 and 30 days retention.
  • Quicker database performance through the Redis add-on.
  • The ability to load your site over reverse proxy. Pagely only offers reverse proxy for VPS and Enterprise-level plans for an additional $200 fee (as compared to our $50 subscription).
  • Kinsta lets you run a different version of PHP for every live and staging site, as well as switch your PHP version with just one click. 
  • Post and page revisions are enabled by default. 

At Kinsta, we include free Cloudflare SSL certificates with on every plan. You can also install your own certificate if required, as well as enable HTTPS directly from the dashboard.

Free Performance Monitoring Tool

WordPress is a dynamic CMS, which means it’s constantly executing PHP code in the background. Depending on your theme and plugin configuration, it’s possible for your site to get bogged down with bloated and inefficient code.

That’s where APM (Application Performance Monitoring) tools can help. An APM monitors requests to your site, and tracks various metrics like external API requests, database queries, PHP execution time, and more. This information allows you to quickly debug and troubleshoot performance bottlenecks.

All Kinsta plans come with a free custom-built APM tool that can be easily accessed right in the MyKinsta dashboard. Kinsta APM provides you with key WordPress performance insights without the need for expensive third-party subscriptions to other APM services.

With Kinsta APM, you can debug the following and more:

  • Slow WordPress plugins and themes.
  • Long calls to external APIs and domains.
  • Unoptimized MySQL database queries.

Pagely plans do not come with a free APM tool, which makes it very difficult to quickly troubleshoot performance issues on your WordPress site.

Develop Locally with DevKinsta

For developers and agencies, Kinsta offers a simple to use (but powerful) local development tool called DevKinsta. With DevKinsta, you can launch WordPress sites with a full hosting stack and SSL support on your local computer with just a few clicks.

Screenshot of the DevKinsta interface
Develop locally and push to Kinsta with DevKinsta.

DevKinsta is fully integrated with MyKinsta and Kinsta’s hosting platform, which means you can develop locally and push updates directly to a staging environment on Kinsta! Pagely doesn’t have an integration with a local WordPress development tool, which means there is no way to clone and push WordPress sites for their customers. If you’re a busy freelance or agency developer, DevKinsta’s advanced features and MyKinsta integration can be a huge time saver.

Feature Comparison Overview

Let’s take a moment to review some of the key differences between Kinsta and Pagely:

PricingPlans start at $35/monthPlans start at $375/month
Money-Back Guarantee30 days30 days
Plan Tiers10 (not including custom)5
Premium 24×7 SupportAll plansVaries by plan, limited during holidays
Core Infrastructure (GCP)Google Cloud PlatformAmazon AWS
SSH AccessAll plansPartial access for upper-tier plans
Global Data Centers37 locations14 locations
Free Cloudflare IntegrationX
Continent Locations54
Bandwidth LimitsNo limits (within AUP)20 GB (Starter),
50 GB (Performance)
Container Technology100% resource isolation on all plansVaries by plan.
Free MigrationsAll plansLimited to two sites
One-Clik StagingAll plansManual deployment via Git integration and Advanced Tool
PHP VersionsPHP 8.1, 8.2, 8.3PHP 5.6, 7+
Switch PHP EngineOne-click change in dashboardOne-click change in dashboard
Free CDN200+ PoPs (All regions)PressCDN
Built-in Edge Caching260+ data centersNot specified
Free DNSAll plansAll plans
Free DDoS ProtectionX
Free SSL CertificatesAll plansAll plans
Uptime MonitoringAll plansVaries by plan
Free APM ToolKinsta APMNot specified
Multisite SupportPro plans and higherAll plans
Weekly automatic MySQL database optimizationX
IP GeolocationNot specified
Reverse Proxy Support$50 on all plans$200 (VPS and Enterprise plans)
Redis Add-on
New Relic (license required)Paid add-on
Multilingual DashboardEnglish, Spanish, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian, French, Swedish, Danish, JapaneseX

Static Sites for Free

Are you an agency creating static WordPress sites for your clients? Or do you create landing pages for high-traffic campaigns? We got you covered!

Static site hosting is 100% free at Kinsta. You can create a static or Jamstack site or use a static site generator. We can run the build process for you and deploy your site directly to the edge.

Get static site hosting for free

Benefits of hosting Static sites with Kinsta include:

  • Your site is directly pushed to our edge network with 260+ locations globally, powered by the security and speed of Cloudflare
  • Use a static site generator, and we handle the build process, which is also included free of charge
  • Add custom domains, and we deliver the security (SSL certificates automatically issued and updated)

Sign up, connect your git account, and start deploying your static site from your repo.

Free Migrations

Kinsta’s team of skilled experts handles the entire migration process for you, so you won’t have to worry about figuring out complex technology or risk losing critical data.

To get started, simply complete our site migration request form, and a Kinsta migration engineer will reach out to schedule a time that will minimize downtime and disruptions. You can track the status of your migration through the MyKinsta dashboard. 

Fabulous dashboard! With great stats for debugging and speed optimisation.

Pagely offers two free migrations for its users. However, the process can take up to five days, and even longer if your site is on the larger side. Our unlimited free migrations typically take less than three business days, and we’ll let you know ahead of time if we expect a longer delay.

In addition, Pagely WordPress and database backups are stored on Amazon S3 and include a 14-day retention policy. To keep them for longer or store them elsewhere, you would need to manually download the backups yourself.

24/7 Expert Support

At Kinsta, we put our customers first, regardless of which plan they have. We don’t have support tiers,and treat each and every customer as a priority. It doesn’t matter if you’re a blogger or a Fortune 500 company, our team of engineers and WordPress experts are available for you 24/7. 

We operate on the Intercom customer messaging platform to make support as quick and convenient as possible. Kinsta’s average initial ticket response time is under two minutes! On its website, Pagely states that its median ticket response time is 12 minutes.

What’s more, our clients can vouch for us. For the past two years, after tens of thousands of conversations over 97% of our customers closed a chat support session happy or satisfied:

Kinsta’s WordPress hosting support conversation ratings chart.
Kinsta’s WordPress hosting support conversation ratings chart.

No problem is too big or too small for our experts to handle. We also offer multilingual customer support, and our knowledge base has resources available in 10 languages.

I am pleasantly surprised at the ease and speed of setting up WordPress with Kinsta. I love the staging environment and the deployment to production!

Pagely uses a ticket-based system as its primary method of communication. So when it says the service offers 24/7 support for all plans, it’s referring mostly to being able to open a ticket.

Live chat support is only available during business hours. As you might imagine, this can be particularly frustrating for clients in different timezones.

Also worth mentioning is Pagely’s holiday schedule. At Kinsta, we provide support 365 days a year. However, Pagely scales back its support during some of the busiest times of the year, particularly for e-commerce sites.

This means that if something were to happen to your site aside from your server going down, it could take days for them to get back to you. Considering that Pagely is one of the most expensive providers, most clients would find this limited support unacceptable.  

Zach Mettra, Founder and Creative Director of Brightoak Agency, has first-hand experience on the differences between Kinsta and Pagely support:

Zach Mettra's support comparison between Kinsta and Pagely.
Brightoak moved all clients sites from Pagely to Kinsta.

Safe and Secure

At Kinsta, we take both active and passive measures to safeguard your site from security attacks and malicious activity. Our secure hosting platform monitors your site every three minutes for uptime, and has software-based restrictions in place.

All sites on Kinsta are automatically protected by Cloudflare’s firewall, which includes free DDoS protection. With our Cloudflare integration, you’ll get the benefits of enhanced security and performance without having to configure your own Cloudflare account.

Some of the ways we provide a safe, secure environment include:

  • Detecting DDoS attacks as they happen
  • Stopping malicious code from infiltrating our network
  • Free Cloudflare integration with a secure firewall and built-in DDoS protection.
  • Providing a dedicated malware & abuse security team
  • Including Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) support
  • Offering isolated LXC containers
  • Including automated backups with all plans
  • Incorporating self-healing PHP
  • Providing a free hack-fix guarantee
  • Only including support for encrypted SFTP and SSH connections (not for unsecured FTP connections)

Pagely, on the other hand, mostly relies on server monitoring. For stricter measures, users have the option of using its custom monitoring node. Additionally, if you want to store backups of your WordPress site somewhere other than Amazon S3, you would need to manually download the files yourself.

In other words, unlike Kinsta, Pagely focuses primarily on monitoring server health and not your actual WordPress site. If you want to monitor your site for uptime, you would need to use a third-party service. 

When you use Kinsta as your WordPress host, if there’s a vulnerability on your site, you’ll know right away. We’ll contact you immediately to let you know what the next steps are.

Message posted on social media by Brent Bergherm: One thing I love about Kinsta WordPress hosting is they send emails alerting their customers to plugin vulnerabilities. I just got one today about Elementor Pro version 2.9.3 and lower. I just appreciate how they are taking the precaution to ensure I'm aware of this issue so I can be assured of a good and secure site. This is the second such email I've received this year, the other was regarding a different plugin. Still, good service is going noticed just now

Kinsta Has a Global Presence

Powered exclusively by the Google Cloud Platform, Kinsta has 37 data centers (and counting) around the world. Our global presence spans five continents, and you can choose a different data center for each of your websites.

Unlike Pagely, we offer this perk with absolutely no extra fees or hidden charges. Kinsta locations include:

  • Test, PH
  • Johannesburg, Africa
  • Changhua County, Taiwan
  • Hong Kong
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • Osaka, Japan
  • Seoul, South Korea
  • Mumbai, India
  • Delhi, India
  • Jurong West, Singapore
  • Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Sydney, Australia
  • Melbourne, Australia
  • Warsaw, Poland
  • Hamina, Finland
  • Madrid, Spain
  • St. Ghislain, Belgium
  • London, United Kingdom
  • Frankfurt, Germany
  • Eemshaven, Netherlands
  • Zurich, Switzerland
  • Milan, Italy
  • Paris, France
  • Dammam, Saudi Arabia
  • Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Montréal, Canada
  • Toronto, Canada
  • São Paulo, Brazil
  • Santiago, Chile
  • Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA
  • Moncks Corner, South Carolina, USA
  • Ashburn, Virginia, USA
  • Columbus, Ohio, USA
  • Dallas, Texas, USA
  • The Dalles, Oregon, USA
  • Los Angeles, California, USA
  • Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
  • Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Pagely operates much differently. It has a total of 14 data centers, within regions split into two tiers. Tier 1 consists of only three locations, all of which are in the U.S. The rest of the locations, including the ones in Europe, Asia Pacific, Canada, and South America, require you to pay an additional fee to use.

Turbocharging Your Content Delivery with Kinsta CDN

All Kinsta plans include a free Content Delivery Network (CDN) via our Cloudflare integration. This is a premium HTTP/3-enabled CDN, to deliver your content lightning-fast across the globe.

As part of our Cloudflare integration, our built-in Edge Caching saves your Kinsta site/page cache to any of Cloudflare’s global network of 260+ data centers.

When site visitors load your website in their browser, cached responses will be delivered from the location closest to them. Edge Caching is included free with all Kinsta plans and doesn’t require a separate plugin.

Our content delivery architecture was tailor-made for high throughput and low latency. You can enable Kinsta CDN directly from your MyKinsta dashboard.

Pagely’s PressCDN service is powered by AWS Cloudfront. However, like most aspects of Pagely, it’s important to consider what’s included for the cost. For example, the Developer plan that includes 150 GB with PressCDN costs $199 per month. Our Business plan comes with 200 GB, and costs $115 per month.

Best Affiliate Program in the Industry

We make it our mission to consistently exceed our clients’ expectations. Our happy customers are often excited and eager to spread the word about our Kinsta products and services, which has helped us become one of the fastest-growing WordPress hosts!

This is why we’re proud to offer one of the highest-paying affiliate programs in the hosting industry. Our affiliate program allows for true profit sharing, regardless of whether you’re a blogger or an enterprise agency.

You can earn between $50 and $500 (depending on the plan) for every signup you refer. You’ll also receive a 10% monthly recurring commission for the lifetime of the customers you refer. Thanks to our customers’ low churn rate, our affiliate program provides you with a powerful opportunity to earn a passive income.
You also won’t ever have to worry about dealing with confusing third-party platforms. We created a custom affiliate dashboard for you to use. Pagely, on the other hand, does not offer an affiliate program.

Join Others Making the Switch to Kinsta

At Kinsta, our mission is to provide you with the fastest, most secure, and latest technology possible. It’s why we’re always evolving, adapting, and innovating.

If you want proof, just check out our many feature updates! No other host in the industry releases new features, tools, and integrations at the speed and frequency Kinsta does.

We are proud of our platform and confident in our service. We also want you to be completely satisfied with your hosting. That’s why we always offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, and don’t require long-term contracts.

If you’re ready to make the move away from Pagely and switch to a new hosting provider, try out Kinsta risk-free for 30 days!